Credit Counselling, Education and Debt Management

Credit Counselling Singapore (CCS) is an independent, non-profit, Social Service Agency. CCS is the only organisation recognised by The Association of Banks in Singapore (ABS) for our commitment in helping debt-distressed individuals address their unsecured debt problem through counselling, education and facilitating debt repayment arrangements, where suitable.

Step 1: Get Informed

Get informed on what you can do to address an unsecured debt problem, improve your financial situation and understand the various options available for debt settlement. Attend any of our Debt Management Talk/Webinar.

Find out more here.

Step 2: Submit Counselling Request Form with Supporting Documents

If you would like to speak to our Credit Counsellors for debt advise, submit a Counselling Request Form together with relevant supporting documents. You will be informed of your appointment date and time via email.

You may submit a counselling request by the following ways:

1.   Use our Online Submission Portal after completing the Online Debt Management Course.

2.   Select your preference for online submission after attending a Debt Management Talk/Webinar. You will receive an email on how to access our Online Submission Portal.

3.   Download Counselling Request Form (PDF format) after attending a Debt Management Talk/Webinar or completing the Online Debt Management Course. Complete the form and send it to CCS.

See list of supporting documents required here.

Step 3: Attend a Credit Counselling Session

Our Credit Counsellors will work with you to establish your monthly cashflow, explore various options to address a debt problem and facilitate a Debt Management Programme (DMP), where suitable.

Find out more here.

Upcoming Talks, Workshops and Webinars

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Mr. P

Dear Mdm K, Today marks my first month towards a debt free life and for the next five and a half years, I am committed towards a monthly payment of $3000 to all 9 creditors. If only I had been a little wiser, I would be richer by $180,000 instead. Looking on the bright si

Mr. B

CCS is well recognised by the government, the banks and the courts. My advice is if you are having "credit card problems" talk to them first. I am working as a Manager drawing a salary of S$6,000 per month. To many people I know, this is an upper salary bracket. However,

Mr. C

I gave in to temptations and stared swiping for every purchase. I spent the credits on shopping, entertainment and holidays. I never expected that 1 day, I will eventually ended up maxing up all my credit limits. In 2011, I realised that I had used up all my credit limit

Mr. J

The first half of this year was extremely dreadful. Work not smooth, money problems escalate, banks regular calls demanding payments, banks filing for bankruptcy, etc… The problems were never ending, and I could only expect worse to happen. Anyway the nightmare is over, at

Ms. H

As a result of my carelessness, my little debt snowball to a huge debt of S$100,000. I was stressed when my total monthly repayment has exceeded my month salary. I was really desperate for help and unable to cope. On my own accord, I tried to approach banks, credit coop

Mr P

Thank you CCS and especially Ms G for your help for i know that without you, my name will be added to the bankruptcy list. Hi, I am 44 yrs old. In 2002, due to cost saving plans in my company, I was left with free time due to less O/T in my company. To pass the time, i